Remarried Empress - Chapter 151
You don't have anything in histories
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OHHHH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, I don’t feel bad for Liberty and her family. Don’t own slaves!!!!
i wanna be fucked so bad
is there smut int the novel??
sir, this is a wendy’s
the main issue with this bitch is she thinks she deserves to be queen of world just coz she was born in poor household and was subjected to abuse…I get it abuse is wrong but
she really jealous trashy women who wants everything she sees….the Duke is betrayal is slap on her face I’m waiting for that part
after reading novel whatever happened to shovieshoe and this trashta they 1000000000% deserve it
Tf did Navier do to you?
I love navier and henry the are so cute 🥰
and the duke is so sly just collecting evidence against her in such a subtle way, also how does she plan to give all tge money back to him she doesn’t have any money in her name but i guess will see, also i hope that tge duke couple will be alright hope the crazy bitch doesn’t harm them
Oh noo this bitchhh huhhhhhhh
One of the 1000000 things I hate about Trashata is that she always thinks she is doing the right thing, THOSE RIGHT THINGS IS EVIL YOU FOOOL. Anyway She thinks ‘oh i’m so lonely and everybody is selfish’ YOU SELFISH B***H .