Remarried Empress - Chapter 146
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I’m pretty sure that crazy girl just asked a man who gave his eye for her to recommend a mercenary for his own assassination but that can’t be right
Izumi Miyamura
ah hell no crusty ass backstabber bitch
She wants to kill someone who help her? She’s nasty
To the comment below-
If you wish to know really, as a Novel reader i can tell you, so, below here are SPOILERS
No, he’s not faking anything, i call this type of chapters “the ones where Navier realizes her bunny hubby is a bit of a psycho sometimes”, he just thinks that side of himself is not something she should see, she does see it later tho, but is fine with it, as is a part of the man she loves-
The only person who you could say sees “all of his faces” in a common basis is Mackenna
So is Henry faking or not? I hope it’s not going to end with the empress going back to her ex
For ONE second i felt like Trashta is nice to a person. AND SHE WANTS TO KILL HIM
yall dont even understand THE POWER OF KARMA THATLL HIT TRASHTA (if they follow the webnovels lmaoo) AND NAVIER WOULD CONTINUE TO FLOURISH LIKE A GREENHOUSE IN THE SPRING 🥹🥹🥹 so happy for my girl.
Love Naiver is finally starting to realize her husband likes her! The guy is head of heels for you accept it and his body that puts statues to shame! Also love that Rashta is like a complete POS killing trustworthy friends makes her end 100x sweeter.