Remarried Empress - Chapter 129
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Deserved love seeing sovieshit mad and trashta suffer 😼😼love how navier and heinley are having the time of their life’s😭💗 while they both suffer😁
naviers GORRILLA GRIP REALLY HAD SOVIESHJT ACTING LIKE A FOOL 💀💀💀 dude almost died AND ruined his marriage in another kingdom 🫣 dumb of ass
sovieshit is suffering greatly already and the true shitstorm havent even started
good thing that navier married heinley, or the west and east empire will have war.
Hahahaha! That asshole deserved it, he acting like he is the victim when he is the cause of it served it right! That girl got herself an even better man! You are the queen! Yes I can’t wait to see them have a baby soon! Yay!
LOL Let go home and fall off the balcony there that way he doesnt ruin there wedding and no one can say it was a set up to kill him. That was still so satisfying to see and now Rasta is cooking up some very dumb plan that’s going to backfire in her face and make her looked stupider I cant wait to see her face