Remarried Empress - Chapter 121
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@Rudbeckias Babe lol
One a whore always a whore
She only have two strength, cry and whining like a child. That’s why Duke Ergi can fool her. What a blind bitch. Whoever support her is bitch too
Is she always have waterfalls in her eyes😂
All she knows is how to cry and I have a feeling the duke does not like her
Does she really have to cry every chapter,
But I really love the art.
Merlia Branson
it’s been a long time since the last episode ?
It’s so interesting to see a low born commoner be such a spoiled brat. Like she had a hard life yet she cries and whines like she was always catered too since birth. How peculiar that she really really believes she is owed all this.
I think it’s because she genuinely believes the mentality of “Because I have suffered I am owed more.” alongside the belief “No other can experience or understand the degree to which I have suffered and what they consider as such is meaningless by compare” She even said a chapter or so back she sides neither with the commoners nor the nobles. She is literally at the wheel screaming “My turn biatches!!!! ” rather then being truly and honestly grateful for her position. Then again its worth pointing out she is well matched in that Sovieshu is such a piece of shite that there isn’t much to be grateful for when the initial rosy newlywed phase ended.
Rudbeckias Babe
Rashta becoming empress: ? you lost navier..
Also rashta when she became empress: *doesnt know how to manage most the work*
Navier be like: ?
Heinrey be like: ?
Rudbeckias Babe
Rashta becoming empress: ? you lost navier..
Also rashta when she became empress: *doesnt know how to manage most the work*
She digging her grave 60 feet under.
I can‘t wait to see her downfall she is going to suffer so much I‘m excited to see it?
Catherine Briar
I have to wonder what she does to cry so much. With her harsh experience of the world, you’d think she would have less tears by now. I mean, she was born a slave and she still feels a sense of unfairness? Aren’t people in such positions usually apathetic by some point? Or is that a minority?
Catherine Briar
Gasp! Maybe it’s cause she’s pregnant and all the hormones?
I don’t think that’s because she is pregnant because she used to act like that before too, she is very greedy, so her thoughts are “I’ve suffered a lot so I deserve this, I deserve to have everything because that’s what’s fair” but she didn’t grow up in the noble society and think that her life will be like in fairy tales, once she gets her love she will get everything else as well…. In short, she is dumb and delusional.
+ her saying she is the empress of the commoners was literally “dumb”. Because she straight out rejected the nobles. It’s like saying I’m not your empress idc about you. She dug her own grave. Nobles are usually arrogant and egoistic and they now that Kings/Queens/Empresses need their power. Commoners won’t support her inside the palace or in social gatherings. In my opinion she shouldn’t have done that. The people may love her but if she wants to become a real empress she needs a lot of power from the nobles. In conclusion: That the nobles humiliated her is her own FCKIN fault.