Remarried Empress - Chapter 120
You don't have anything in histories
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big mistake
Crista is so foolish hearing her maids’ words…
You know the Duke could fall for Christa since she’s similar to Navier in character. Even her ladies in waiting are similar to Navier’s
bruh can this mf move on already ?
Omg girl you’re not queen anymore, move on!? like you don’t even have a clear goal what are you going to do marry your brother in law because he’s not ok with it. And had he married someone from the western empire you would still have to step down as queen.
This plan not gonna work on our
Duke ??
Is she being used by her Laurie’s in waiting…but why does she act like she’s Navier and Navier is like Rashta. Her husband isn’t the current king and she’s basically a widow and it blows but….like stop trying to pretend nothing changed.
? the people in this story really don’t know their place.
Navier is the epitome of what a noble is. She’s regal, wise, intelligent, considerate and best of all, extremely competent. She’s what every noble should strive to be.
Trashta is literal trash. She’s a peasant and it shows in her way of thinking. She can wear a crown and fancy clothing but her demeanor reveals her plebian nature. A roach has a better sense of dignity than Trashta has in her lil pinky toe.
Christa would be better if she just left the power struggle behind coz she really coming off as pathetic and creepy tbh. I thought she married the former king so wouldn’t that make her his stepmother? but idk, I guess coz she’s depicted as his sis in law, that means it was his brother on the throne before him??? Either way, her incessantly staying with a newlyweds couple just screams home wrecker.
Christa was married to his brother, but yea she needs to let the power struggle go. This is not a good look.
Dude, give up the throne that’s no longer yours. Know your place. 🙂
Sorry mate, the grand duke is just not with you.
Trying to get him on your side is like intentionally putting your finger in a socket. Watching this train wreck get started.
Catherine Briar
I don’t really understand Christa or her family….her husband is dead. It’s unfortunate but at most she’d be a dowager. However, she’s not the new King’s mother, but his sister -in-law, and this position doesn’t suit her either. What does she want? To marry her brother-in-law?
I mean… I kinda dont care if christa wants to hold onto that queen title. There’s no kingdom to be queen as, coz now the kingdom will be renamed as an empire and my girl is its 1st empress.
Go ahead and be delusional, I mean at least once a day I see myself in the mirror and be like “you get this queen” so yeah christa go ahead and do the same. Just…. Put your family and retainers on a leash will you.
lol why are they calling Krista “your majesty” she’s nothing now. Its almost like Krista thinks there’s a chance she can remain in power or something
Our queen needs rest from the drama.
Seriously I don’t get what Christa’s deal is! Your king is dead and a new king is on the throne! It’s not like after the king you have been decided to rule so just accept it!
You think that would work? Christa does have some balls trying to keep her title as “Queen” despite the King she married to have died and the new king, her brother-in-law, has a Queen for himself already. She should’ve just retired peacefully, than adding to this drama.
I totally agree.
honestly, speed reading through what’s available in the novel – Christa and her family’s plan to maintain what power they still had wouldn’t have worked no matter what because she bore no child from the previous King, so no point in giving her Queen Dowager or whatever and the new King won’t marry her, simple as that… they really got too greedy. eVEN if Navier didn’t deserve to sit on the throne because she was a foreigner, sucks to suck but no one likes Christa lmao