Remarried Empress - Chapter 109
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So, Christa is good or bad?
Who cares about Christa should should have been long gone. Just wait for her to do something dumb and get her own self kicked out
Rooting for Mulaney girl! Making her place in a man-donated world and not afraid to make a deal with a queen. Still, I’ll come back in a few months to read all the next chapters in one go
Why so short?
Yah I will skip the next 10 ch to see any type of action happing
Eventually it will end the same as any other story
You should talkto you man more, like y’all are never together
Patience is a must in this series everything goes by sooo slowly and so much useless dialog. I’ll come back when it hits 150 eps. That way i can skip parts. But apart from that queen is doing so good ♡♡♡ love her and henry is just so charming! ? well see yall later ?
Thank you for the update!