Remarried Empress - Chapter 102
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Can’t believe Trashta wasn’t a witch charming him into being so stupid, no that’s just the way he is.
“She’ll definitely come back after all the awful things I did to her, right?” dream on idiot
He really thinks she will come back to him, and they’ll be a happy family
This is moment Rashta should have realized that her position is not stable. Not even a few days after the divorce, he asked to bring someone else (Ik he doesn’t plan on doing anything like that but rumours will start spreading). Just because she is pregnant with his child don’t mean she will always be empress and she should have started realizing this the moment he put a deadline on the marriage and with this event.
I thought that she was thinking that the emperor was going to take her into the harem. That’s how I read it
Rasta is literally jealous of a child, my god…
Rasha trasha..bitch..well… you will die miserable eventually.which im happy for that & looking forward for more chapters..hahahaha!!
How beautifull would a child of Navier and Heinry look like. Really beautiful or reall, really beautiful :3
yes its very cute lit chicks too…
That mf trash even now thinks that she will come to him.
Even if Rashta’s child is not his it will not change the fact that he cheated on his wife and slept with another woman who is not worthy to even hold the concubine title but is directly made empress with zero knowledge.. Such a brat.
Meanwhile Heinry is so cute and always stands with navier no matter what.. I am so glad author didnt turn him into second ml like other stories.
I really don’t understand what the heck the Emperor was thinking. Sure, Rashta was a slave but to bring her in as his lover without understanding that it would reflect badly on the Empress then thinking he was playing 4D chess only to end up losing the Empress. Idiot. Ah well, when everything comes to light, it will enjoy his realization that he messed up BIG.