Bro doesn’t care at all, me personally I think she a rich lonely kid, that’s just not me, he could have handled it like, we didn’t need u to ruin the mc spotlight like get on talkin bout some “U DiDn’t NeEd tO tHaNk mE” DO SOMETHING WITH UR LIFE AND GET ONNN!!!!!
Bro doesn’t care at all, me personally I think she a rich lonely kid, that’s just not me, he could have handled it like, we didn’t need u to ruin the mc spotlight like get on talkin bout some “U DiDn’t NeEd tO tHaNk mE” DO SOMETHING WITH UR LIFE AND GET ONNN!!!!!
she is such a killjoy
star vs the forces of evil
That was kinda a dick move on his part. She was just trying to be nice.
Lim!!! Get lost! We don’t need your help!Just spoiled the fun