Or just delete all the mc hoes and focus mainly on mc bc, whoopf…..I would kill myself if I was the mc, fuck the fact I was given another chance at life I just wanna live maaaaan!
@silverfang, relax dawg nothing is ever THAT deep to be out here calling fictional characters “bitches”, maybe the authors have a plan for their personal growth. just RELAX and let it happen as it is supposed to.
bro just get a restraining order against the sisters at this point. i mean the younger one harrassess a sick person and destroys there food and the older tries to get with a minor
I really hate the younger sister
Like imagine sime one come in to your room riun your awsome breakfast and smash an apple n your face and for keep telling u to nof get cocky. She is such a annoying bitch
And even the older sister she is a bitch too but I like her more she at least didn’t disrespect him
Or just delete all the mc hoes and focus mainly on mc bc, whoopf…..I would kill myself if I was the mc, fuck the fact I was given another chance at life I just wanna live maaaaan!
banana boi
@silverfang, relax dawg nothing is ever THAT deep to be out here calling fictional characters “bitches”, maybe the authors have a plan for their personal growth. just RELAX and let it happen as it is supposed to.
bro just get a restraining order against the sisters at this point. i mean the younger one harrassess a sick person and destroys there food and the older tries to get with a minor
I really hate the younger sister
Like imagine sime one come in to your room riun your awsome breakfast and smash an apple n your face and for keep telling u to nof get cocky. She is such a annoying bitch
And even the older sister she is a bitch too but I like her more she at least didn’t disrespect him