The singular of that word everyone is freaking out about means the word “you” in English. It us not a slur you uncultured morons. That word might be a plural for referring to a group of people not included in the group of whos speaking. You say “us” when refering to yourself and others in your group. And say “them” when refering to another group you dont include in what you refer to as us. Therefore that word most likely means the English word “them”. So kindly chill tf out and stfu.
That took me by surprise like everyone else! I have seen really awful, truly terrible translations from 1stKiss but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them insult an entire race due to severe ignorance. This is why English-speaking editors are so very important! They can catch someone about to make a serious faupa such as SAYING SHAMELESS NIGGAS!
This is going on the list of why I can’t stand 1stKiss and Teenmanhua translations (there was another group but they improved due to severe backlash against their translations, their translations were straight-up unreadable). I understand constantly being in need of Chinese/Korean translators but I’m starting to think ENGLISH EDITORS needs to be added to that list post haste!
for real and also I saw the comments under this chapter in teenmanhua and its unbelievable how there are ppl who think its funny im not sure if they are black but still
I’m laughing even though I’m angry. The shameless WHAT?? I damn near fell out of my seat! ? as a black woman in this site I’ve see ALOT but gods above that shocked the shit out of me! Imma count this as a first strike since someone PROBABLY made a mistake but dang
Thank you! But I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone actually say “niggas” in a translation. I am willing to be wrong but this… this should not happen. Like at all.
The way my jaw dropped to the floor when he said shameless😲
The singular of that word everyone is freaking out about means the word “you” in English. It us not a slur you uncultured morons. That word might be a plural for referring to a group of people not included in the group of whos speaking. You say “us” when refering to yourself and others in your group. And say “them” when refering to another group you dont include in what you refer to as us. Therefore that word most likely means the English word “them”. So kindly chill tf out and stfu.
Well, i know what website NOT to get my translations from
That white hair jerk is really pissing me off what does he want?
And they have the balls to say where this translation came from
Shameless WHAT????
That took me by surprise like everyone else! I have seen really awful, truly terrible translations from 1stKiss but this is the first time I’ve ever seen them insult an entire race due to severe ignorance. This is why English-speaking editors are so very important! They can catch someone about to make a serious faupa such as SAYING SHAMELESS NIGGAS!
This is going on the list of why I can’t stand 1stKiss and Teenmanhua translations (there was another group but they improved due to severe backlash against their translations, their translations were straight-up unreadable). I understand constantly being in need of Chinese/Korean translators but I’m starting to think ENGLISH EDITORS needs to be added to that list post haste!
I must say… over on 1stKissManga, people are VERY upset to see that translation, and one person asking for everyone to calm down.
for real and also I saw the comments under this chapter in teenmanhua and its unbelievable how there are ppl who think its funny im not sure if they are black but still
I’m laughing even though I’m angry. The shameless WHAT?? I damn near fell out of my seat! ? as a black woman in this site I’ve see ALOT but gods above that shocked the shit out of me! Imma count this as a first strike since someone PROBABLY made a mistake but dang
Thank you! But I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone actually say “niggas” in a translation. I am willing to be wrong but this… this should not happen. Like at all.
I’m sorry WHAT?!! the translation just flopped idc
Shameless WHAT?
BRO WHAT?!?!!?????
1stkissmanga and teenmanhua always provide us the most horrible translations
Th-th-the shameless what?
Shameless what?!!!
omfg this is the worst translation fail I’ve ever seen
villainous Empress Yulia
Shameless niggas about wtf