Ryumitsuo @audreyette High society etiquette has a lot of little rules that common table manners do not follow. March 30, 2024 at 5:13 am Log in to Reply
audreyette why does it take so long for her to learn table manners? It’s not something completely new and uncommon, they exist even in the real world xD December 18, 2023 at 12:58 am Log in to Reply
randombookloverr No seriously why did he think having her eat the same thing over and over again would be good for her😭😭😭😭 October 17, 2023 at 1:56 pm Log in to Reply
@audreyette High society etiquette has a lot of little rules that common table manners do not follow.
why does it take so long for her to learn table manners? It’s not something completely new and uncommon, they exist even in the real world xD
Okay they’re just both annoying XD
No seriously why did he think having her eat the same thing over and over again would be good for her😭😭😭😭