Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 8
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Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
Small child i would like permission to adopt you
Bro can y’all shut up!?
If you have a problem just leave.
I don’t if y’all misunderstanding because of the TL that we few readers can CLEARLY see and understand, or y’all just making stuff up in your minds that you think what’s happening or your opinion on FL?
Anyway, may your blindness be cured and learn some knowledge 🙏
The commenters are still braindead as I can see.
Good to know. Y’all stay stupid, AND blind too, apparently. Never learn and stay complacent, but y’all will never get anywhere or be happy in life with that mentality guys, let me tell you that much! 🙃
Maya Bijucos
Still hypocrite
Ahh i got confused there. So the black haired kid is another king’s son, not the blond king’s. Phew, I thought he cheated on the pretty empress
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I complained about how authors write their MC not adapting to the world they live in in an earlier chapter and I still think that way but, I really like how this one is written coz they show her going through the stages of grief and in her mind she knows she can’t keep living with the mindset that she’s someone looking in.
Alexandre Schihann
@Yukihira7 i still think she is stuck on it , since the thought of Reincarnate to help someone is just a scapegoat to her not think about it . But yeah
Bruh go through 5 stages of grief😂
Poor baby, but he’s very adorable