Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 7
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Lolli pop
Y’all stop blaming FL for everything. She doesn’t treat them as “humans” because they aren’t humans to her. They are characters that she physically CREATED (thought about, planned, and described/drawn). It’s hard to change your mindset from that. And yes, she is a people pleaser. However, she treats the prince that way because he reminds her of herself. She’s frustrated. But she regrets it (and also brought her some trauma) so she’s trying to help him realize it and fix it. Additionally, we don’t know what exactly happens to her when she reincarnates (does her mental thinking decrease because she’s a child now?), So she might not be thinking like a rational adult.
omfg why cant yall just enjoy this? like, if you disagree with the FL’s choices then stop reading. it’s not that hard.
Lady Scar
She don’t want to see them as a character reason why she acting like that. She love all her character.
I want to see the male lead haha ^^V
The comments here are so annoying and stupid -_-
Not everyone blaming FL for wanting to see her mother and brother one last time for closure 💀 tf? How much do these people hate their own mothers to say such a thing?!
Can’t y’all just understand how the author wrote her character as someone who is hard yet easy to relate to😭?
You can’t easily get people and you most definitely can’t know them and their feelings the first times you spent with them, plus, I think she’s being indifferent with her now parents became she also lost her past parents which she had obviously spent more time with, I also don’t get her, but you just can’t say that her trauma had nothing to do with it, it’s not that easy to overcome trauma y’all 😭😭
[email protected]
If she loved all the characters equally why does she treat them like their not human beings like she wants to meet her “real mother” but the mother she has now is still her mom
Justine et moi
I was upset when she said “my real mother” because that means she was insinuating that she have another fake mother(?). I would like her to treat the other characters like humans…
Maya Bijucos
Im seeing hypocrite here . Moron ,if you can’t comprehend what it’s like to be adapting,by having the means of trauma with you. Then congratulations you’re a people pleaser.and yes you’re struggling to your very stereotypes,yes?a big yuck to someone who looks down on trauma, and don’t tell me you have attention seeking disorder.
Ok, its all making sense now but this could have been told inq more efficient way not like this. Maybe its the adaptation or what, the story didnt flow smoothly and the scenes didnt xonnext much that’s why we couldnt relate to MC at first. Smh
OHHHH I LOVE THAT! She’s an author that loves all the characters she’s created. I get she has a god like mind regarding the world she created but, she’s awakening the caretaker in her. She about to bless all her kids 😂
Well.. it’s progress? MC still doesn’t want to be involved in this world she “created” but atleast wouldn’t just sit by and be miserable
Alexandre Schihann
That just a excuse to make your life/Reincarnation have any meaning , well she sure have allot of problems and just chose the easy way to make any sense about her Current Situation .
Ragnel caper, kurang perhatian yah?
Replying to Ragnell:
Ew– it’s like saying to a person with childhood trauma that they’re annoying and still drowned in the past.
She was holding that in for 5 to 6 years. Must have been tough waking up everyday hoping you’d be back in the real world only for the “dream” to continue
Um- it’s called being human. I think it’s pretty refreshing to have a Mc you have to watch more to like, we get to see her grow and mature instead of just being the same the whole damn time.
annoying MC, not like she has just reborn into this world for few month. It’s already 5-6years already and she has still drown in the past.