Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 6
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@NokkoGamma glad im not the only one and i sleep right after
I always consume coffee but instead getting energized, I become lazier
There’s not much information about FL’s previous life. She’s good at dancing and seems to have a lot of friends, I can understand that she wants her original life back…. since she has been in the novel world since baby, I can understand her depression.
Damn this is depressing I would also feel rlly bad
I would miss my previous life too if i was her
Surprised she didn’t cry sooner +1! Clearly she liked her previous life and isn’t ready to move on. Moreover, she can’t even confide in anyone. All alone in her own tragic novel? Not a dream come true. Actually, it always bothered me how second life mcs casually accepted their new life especially those who took over another person’s body!
These last few comment sections are what’s disappointing. Not FL.
All of you crying about FL’s maturity, yet ironically most of you are acting immature yourselves. And if being hypocrites wasn’t enough for y’all, you guys just go and downplay her experiences and tell her how to act and feel in a situation none of you will ever understand.. Is a female characters only purpose in these stories to meet some rich man, be swayed with little effort, swoon for him like some fangirl, be a damsel in distress, get saved by said man, get married and become a docile trophy “wife”? All while not being human, not going through troubles, trauma, healing and growing of her own?
Y’all are acting like brainless children that’ve never read a manhwa for a day in your lives. This isn’t an uncommon writing technique for authors to use. They create tension, anxiety, suspense, build up some drama, trouble, issue to resolve later on. The whole point is so that the characters have struggle, have something to grow from and develop in multiple ways, aswell as to give more pay-off and satisfaction long-term once things start going well, iseues start being solved and resolved and relationships are finally officialy formed and strengthened in the last stretch of a story.
Its not a new thing. Grow up.
If you dont like it, dont keep reading. Or stop crying and let the author work their magic and write a good story..
-(something that a lot of you seem to have NO concept of, “a good story”)
This is so disappointing 😔
Yeah, mature FL that keeps carrying a bunny bear, ugh 🙄 i get you have past trauma and all but still, accept ur new reality and move on pls.
On a side note, you’re telling me the handsome king fucked another woman and had a black haired son while having that beautiful of an empress?
When I was a small child, I used to get a single coffee bean from the grocery store bulk section and suck on it all the way home.
Some kids like coffee. My nephew is the same way.
Everytime they write reincarnated MCs dealing with past life trauma in their current life, it makes me understand why souls are meant to drink the Meng Po before reincarnating. Having to carry your past burdens into a new life with new burdens is overwhelming and over-stimulating. I understand why she can’t accept her new life as reality.
5 year old tastebuds are different than a full grown adult’s plus you’re in a different body. I think it’d be funny + more accurate for her to hate it…
Also, please for the love of God stop emphasizing that she’s an adult who simply looks like a child.
dang the trauma
Honestly I would have cried sooner, she obviously keeps having emotion stimulating flashback of her old life, you don’t just get over it because you’re reborn
Wow people forget that trauma exist… no matter how old you get, if you have unresolved trauma, it can trigger at any moment and your reaction would be like that…
Must be nice to live mentally healthy lives huh?
The FL really annoy me
Jeez you are a mature person as you constantly say in every chapter…why do you react that way with a 5yo ??
Donut moment