Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 5
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Y’all are so dumb. Of course she doesn’t want to see her own beloved characters go through hardships because they’re not characters anymore but real people + her family 🤦♀️
Guys you don’t understand the FL she didn’t want her sister to be born is the only wrong thing she did but she not wanting to be friends with aegis because she feels sorry for him and regret doing him a character that can’t say no for things he don’t want to do and all of the people with her now will die later so she is afraid to love them and she see this world as just a novel that she made so she see them all fake
I really can’t understand her, if I was transmigrated I would accept and that live my life to its fullest. She is just moping around like a cranky old granny, girl use this second chance at life to live well, not push away everyone who is looking out for you
Honestly, I get her not wanting to get attached since they’ll all likely die in the future. She mentions outright that the prince will sacrifice himself and foreshadowed her parents death. She’s also quite helpless to do anything about it as she’s just a toddler. How can she carelessly and ignorantly love them knowing their tragic future?
Wow! So insensitive and selfish female lead. Making excuses like, not wanting for her baby sister to be born because the baby will have a hard life in the future coz that’s what she wrote her baby sister’s character as, and finally reaching a conclusion that it’s her who shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
Mc feeling sorry for the prince coz he’s like this, he’s like that coz she created him that way.
Wow in the end it’s all about her. Making excuses for herself that it’s frustrating and that she’s sorry to make herself feel better, not minding at all that she’s making the people around her uncomfortable. How selfish.
The agnst is real👁👄👁🍿
this is making me feel depressed?
Justine et moi
Who would believe that a kid of 4 years old Sigh that much….
Justine et moi
woah our mac is too pessimistic 😮💨
Stupid fl 🙄 ugh
@BingeReader *wasn’t APART of that world.
I hate when they write the MC having a disconnect with the world they isekai’d in. I get that it’s just a story for her 1st and foremost but, could only be applied when she was APART of that world. She is now so, it’s no longer just a story, it’s her life. It’s always frustrating how the main plot mover is a misunderstanding or the refusal of accepting reality.
I kinda understand her pov, she’s the author, she knows how things are going to go and feels responsible but also conflicted BC this isn’t real world. So how should she proceed from here? Just go with the flow and interact with the “fictional characters” or watch from sidelines?
Even tho I get her doesn’t mean I don’t find her frustrating 😔 pls be good to Aegis. He is a kid and maybe his dad’s words influence him, so can’t mc overlook it and just be his good friend 🤷
If you plan on making him the ML, please stop emphasizing how much of a child he is to her and how adult she acts.
now i know wht his getting bullied in her past life his attitude is suck😩😩
Gosh wtf is wrong with this mc?
another frustrating MC
Kind of depressing but at least she acknowledges the personality she created for them while accepting they’re real people now and not just story characters
She’s so bad.why is she like that?
Once in for all no one what her to reborn there what kind of attitude is that?