Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 42
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Was her last request literally for her NOT to do thar?
Damn it! Why Loina?! I wanted the person to awaken to be Thalia
Idk why but I find it kind of hilarious that Tilly pointed at Loina while not even being able to open her eyes. And telling her father not to let Loina use it… What is the plan here? Also this cliffhanger is CRIMINAL!!!
This seems like it’s going to cost a lot
Did the author (Loina) sacrifice herself so that the plot would continue as it would normally? Because she felt guilty? Though… she has already changed lots with her existence alone
I’m worried because Loina is carrying everything on her own… she deserves happiness <3
That arrow looks to have cut the spine, she’s already dead. Can that ability also revive the dead and how much will that cost?