Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 41
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Fuck, I knew it. My anxiety is going brrrr
I get it…. Tilly is dressed like her Dad to replace him in getting hurt and awaken her sister’s powers…
Marry me..244
Ahhhhh!!! Wtf just happened is it cut somewht between or i only feel like it was just so fast fast
To make an excuse in order to her little sister can activate her magic
Sorry my grammar is bad 😆
please update soon!!! this cliffhanger is really making me crazyyy
I think she knew this was going to happen, why she was so jittery in the carriage.
what 0.o
and such illegal cliffhanger at that ouuu 0.o
Fuck what??!!! Cliffhanger arghhh!!!!😌
HoLeeFuk ya gotta be kidding me rn? Such a cliffhanger
I don’t think it’s possible for her to be alive after that, but since this will now trigger Loina’s awakening then she’ll live.
What 😮wtf just happened😱😱 is she dead for real
Guess who
I believe our fl and her plans(plot armour too)!!! They will get over it 😼
Not the cliffhanger 😭😭 how am I supposed to wait a week — should’ve read it next week..
And pretty sure she knew about it and wore the same clothes as their father so its her that gets attacked not the father bcz I think the father dies in the og novel and loina wakes her power or something? I cant remember
I got somewhat confused but HOLY MOLY NOOO
What the hell that’s brutal