Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 4
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He matched his outfit with thalia😂
To all the ppl saying that she should stop being grumpy and be overjoyed, she literally died in her last world. She probably had a lot of loved ones and she obviously misses them, so freaking leave her alone
@manhwa_lover…I know right. I would be overjoyed, take advantage of my hidden pockets of wealth I would hide in the world for my own convenience, and enjoy doing nothing
Well, just think of it as if the author that transmigrated into their novel has a personality like Shikamaru, everything’s a drag🤷🏻♀️
Why is she so grumpy? If Im an author and i get transported to my story, and meet all the characters i wrote, I will be sooo happy! If they’re bound to get in trouble, I will just save them and avoid the cause of troubles. 🙃
The missing chapter 3
No chapter 3
Hi! Thank you for updating, but this chapter also has problems.