Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 31
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Why they say that they are enged when they can’t?
My heart breakd every time she pushes him away
The matching outfits just outrageously scream fiancés
Catherine Briar
For everyone who’s thinking she and Yan could be shipped…they can’t. Yan is the male lead and her sister is his partner. Yan and Tilly are like real siblings.
She’s so harsh. Just marry him already! You like him too, don’t you?
[email protected]
Ahahaha they have the same design of they’re suites 😖 is this what it is guys it’s blooming huhuhu
Maria O.
You two… Get married already!!! 😅👍
Please get married. I feel bad for Yan and I hope he finds happiness but I also want the crown prince to be happy because he is one of the only good-hearted crown prince leads out there.