Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 30
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I don’t get the logic how is he able to feed her in that dinning table with is for sure lengthy then his hand…
She broke his heart..poor him
they ugly o n o old rayan was yum! wat happened o n o
Don’t be like Adrien in Miraculous Ladybug, Tilly
He’s blind AF and keeps friendzoning Marinette
i’m surprised there’s no mention of rayan
Girl…😤 Stop hurting his feelings. You know how he feels about you but why did you friendzone him??
i think what makes it harsh is she clearly knows how he feels 😔
Ah this trope is tiring me out, i will just drop it until 60+ chap
How much more do you plan on upsetting him huh girl? Realize this is your life and be honest with yourself and the people around you! Pls… before it’s too late 🙁