Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 29
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so to explain power dynamics of nobility/royalty Empires are above kingdoms meaning there can be kingdoms under the rule of an empire HOWEVER they are usually equal in terms of power when separate also A duchy is equal to the royal family and usually has the power to rival them unless its title in name only the power structure if you go with an empire can be Emperor/empress, King/queen, Grand duke/duchess, Arch duke, duke, margrave, marquis, Marchione, Earl, Count, viscount, baron, baronet, knight. Those are all the ranks altho Margrave and earl are more military ranks as well as baronet and knight so they usually dont appear in most nations ALSO marchione and marquis tend to be mixed up because ppl will call the land the same as each other or their titles so a Marquis and a marquess vs a Marchione and a marchioness 2 different ranks with roughly similar power xD
So then in the OG story did Rayan join Loinas family then and his Lil bro became king? Cuz…..ya know same rule there. How about this lol:
Tilly marries Aegis and becomes queen.
Rayan marries Loina and becomes Duke
Rayans Lil bro becomes king…
Also…why r their 2 princes but tilly is a Duke daughter? Is that equal power?
Well I want thalia and aegis to be together but I still want thalia to succeed the family so that she has a title of her own you know so that they can interact with each other more in personal and work life
Actually that wish is really sweet. <3
They have a second daughter so the bloodline and family name can still continue though
She’s wholesome!! Kinda wish we saw them interacting as kids also! It’s a good character so I hope she won’t fade away as the story continues or worse, go astray
Well this is too sad though :’)
Why did they tell them that they should get married when they were kids then? I remember Aegis was determined to follow his father’s wishes…
Well I’m certainly hoping the mc can be happy too :’) But maybe this requires the brother to return back
Sweet sisters