Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 23
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As I thought, this world fate has repeated or should i say a fusion of two world, either way it’s pretty interesting
Well this is quite different
what is she then? a reincarnation of a goddess or smth?
It’s actually quite painful to read this chapter. Thalia, being the author of the book is being confronted by the reality that she is now part of that ‘once fiction’.
She had to face and witness the hardships that she had penned down herself to each of the character she loves. She’s left with questions herself, but at the same time she’s burdened by the reality that this was all her doing and yet at this point, she’s helpless and clueless of what she can do to help all of them
Ohh yeah I thought blondie would be the ML bc the black haired one became her sibling. But then again, these manhwa don’t shy away from themes that are borderline incest lol. I guess black haired guy is something like a deuteragonist?
The ML is the blond prince.
Yuuki hikari
Wait, so who’s the ML? The blonde prince, or the black haired one? Someone please give me a clue…