Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 22
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She probably called him brother out of Korean habit
pause why did i get so scared when i saw her just standing there
and why did i think her tears were black PLEASE 😭😭😭😭
Marry me..244
Idk why he can’t be her family member but he so pitiful
hope this will get updated fast! im hooked! myghad, why they can’t be family 😤
its like this:
Choice A: Adopt him and the end of world come smoothly
Choice B: Let him suffer and then have a chance to prevent the end of the world
or i prefer this..
Choice C: Kill the stupid queen from his original country
Clearly she wasn’t asleep while they were talking and waited until she could sneak out to secretly cry 😭
I don’t get it. She was sleeping beside her dad and then listening outside the door. How?
Yan better get adopted!!!!!!!!