Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 21
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Lady they literally told you NOT to kill him….
Also, Yan is like the only normal kid out of the 3 lol
ewww she looks like she hasnt eaten in days wtfreak 🤮
God that nanny looks disgusting I hope she dies in the end 😒
it´s great that yan is going to have an family but if he ends up with og fl who is supposed to be his sister then I feel like it would be incest idk not to mention the 5 or 6 year age gap
That nanny deserves worse than death for trying to kill a child and yan👶
aww her dad is such a great guy
I despise the queen but I can’t lie… the queen is hot
..although tilly had the mind and memories of an adult.. this freaking bitch of a nanny is essentially blaming a kid for her plans being foiled.. the queen sure doesn’t have any competent pawns then, at least not around who have anything to do with the prince.