Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 17
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Aegis this cutiepie 😍
i don´t know if this means anything but both their eye colors mixed together gives us the Fl´ś eye color
The love triangle is kinda weird/ sad in a way cause one of them is potentially her little sister’s soulmate. I get why the boys like her both Right now but I feel like a perfect happy ending would be the og male lead loving her as a sister and falling in love with the little sister again as adults and the og 2nd male lead marrying Tilly
Next chapter please
blubis thebest
@JustAPasserby but matchalatte didn’t spoil anything
I can tell you but you not are going to hear me :+
@matchalatte, please put spoiler warning before you say that
somehow i prefer tilly to end up w aegis even though rayan is the ml in the original story
Ofcourse my lady😊