Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 15
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“the one who will bring an end to my story” is likely a word comes from the goddess, thus this a big evidence that this was different world from mc create since the one that mc created has already ended while this one is doesn’t have an proper end yet
Two person, two story and the fate that altered from the start… I see, this world is not the one mc create but created by the goddess of comedy. So in other words, that goddess created a world that happens to be same as mc created and the goddess also likely send mc there since two person that could alter the world directly is better than one
That was mentioned in “only two people knew”
So is this the guy that mentioned “only two people knew”
they made it snow everywhere? kind of inconvenient for the poor, right? Hopefully its some magic snow that isn’t actually cold and disappears before it touches the ground
Interesting 🤔 maybe she’ll be able to save ml and the tragic ending could be avoided
Alexandre Schihann
@milaapol , maybe to take her position as a new propherees ?
did you have a stroke?
So, she was bring to help to end the story to the propherees