Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 13
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Bitches never and I mean Never underestimate Her Majesty THE DEMON QUEEN…
Some of y’all completely missed the part that when she met with Ageis, she was still grieving. She’s changed now. She literally said she is done being sad about her last life.
I don’t like how she is so nice and caring for him but so cold to the other prince
— she was dealing with each of the prince depending on how the adults expects her to perform. She knew she was introduced to aegis because he needed a real friend, that’s why she had to break off his perfect facade first. The fact that she was also avoiding any arranged marriage situation with prince is one of the reason why she treated him coldly AT FIRST. Rayan on the other hand experienced abuse, that is why she’s actively eliminating everyone who is on the stepmother’s side. She’s making him trust her so he would be able to open up to her. Aegi wasnt abused. He had a lonely and difficult childhood unlike Rayan who was whipped and even experienced assassination attempts?
@Simmer Well I also didn’t like how YOU GUYS were so rude to FL before but suddenly y’all switch up as if y’all weren’t picking on her for no reason.. Yet nothing I can do about it besides point it out, so just grow up, suck it up and deal with it.
She’ll make up for the coldness later on anyway, so it doesn’t matter
I don’t like how she is so nice and caring for him but so cold to the other prince
Maya Bijucos
I wanna see baby loina playing with them
Oh I’m so glad Yan came to live with her family. Coz holy crap, whipped 30 times for getting a test wrong?! Yo, I swear i saw red when I read that.