Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 12
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her parents are so beautiful
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
Wait i have a screenshot of him tearfully eating that tart, ive only been using it as a reaction image i didnt know it was from this
@Justine et moi not possible, one of the main requirements for a reincarnator is being smart, which sadly isn’t something that can be said about any of the readers/commentets that I’ve seen here, unfortunately. 🤷♀️
Justine et moi
I wantgo ber reincarnated as a noble lady in a manhwa too. Look at all this food!!!🤤
@Rococochoco I knew my eyes weren’t tripping. I was reading this chapter wondering what was off about it. 😫
And I knew that maid was sketch. She better watch her step in the dukes palace.
She seems more biased towards rayan.. but then again, he also had a more difficult childhood than 2nd ml
I miss the old art for their eyes and hair, it was so much prettier 😩