Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 10
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I’m glad both og ml and og fl end up together
I’m quite conflicted. Both ML had respective traumas and were very lonely. Aegis grew up under the pressure of being a good crown prince (probably never experienced to be carefree child) who sacrificed his self for Rayan, the person he opened up to (I assume he joined a rebellion and helped Rayan regain and re establish his position in his kingdom) while Rayan was abused by his stepmother and might have experienced numerous assassination attempts making his childhood miserable— how about letting Aegis have the love of Loina whom he originally fell in love to while Rayan would fall for Thalia in this timeline. I don’t want both of the ml to suffer
Black hair better be the ML, I actually like his vibe around FL. I feel like they could become a very good, healthy couple with a cute relationship dynamic 🥰
I prefer the blondie kid to be ML
I like blonde dude more for MC. he is so sweet and caring. In og timeline he sacrifices himself for og ml, there was a war? So in this time he gets love too
Aw so the ml will still end up with her lil sis, but i prefer the black haired Prince than the blonde guy.. So sad..
Malissas faithful sidechick
I read some spoilers and guess what the Og ml will fall in love with the og fl in this life too when they both become adults. I love how in both timelines the og ml and fl end up together because no matter which timeline it is they’re fated to be together 😭 but besides that all of their friendship is so cute and their bond 😭 and ofc our our fl will end up with the blond prince. They’ll all become good friends and everyone gets their happy ending 🥹
wait is the prince going to be a 2nd ML in this life too?😂 tragic
Omg that is sad x’D