Reborn As a Character That Never Existed - Chapter 1
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omg mommy
Plot twist maybe she died early that’s why she wasn’t apart of the story
fish low
Dude she literally wrote the book XD I think she would know if she planned the female protag to have a sister
Call me maybe
Ooo those parents are so hot
@Melbelwel for those who don’t know and may find themselves questioning why children’s heads are so large, it is because when children are born, their heads are nearly 25% of their adult weight. and at their second birthday, their heads become 75% of their adult weight. brain development occurs rapidly within the first few years after birth and babies are born with the most amount of neurons they’ll ever have — about 100 billion. as the brain develops, the connections will become stronger and some neurons will be lost to accommodate the development of certain crucial brain functions.
super sorry for the long explanation but it’s an interesting topic haha
This feels like a gem
@Melbelwel… because when babies are born their heads are like 1/3 of their entire body…
Mommy? Sorry daddy? Mommy?
I love dad i hot 😍
I simp for her mom, such a gorgeous woman
Why is the babies head so big?
naol lahat ng bagp panganak mahaba agad buhok 😁
Interesting 🤔 so she didn’t excit in original
why no update :<
Would be nice if this is one of those I remember my past life and this is a book but then the book is actually their first life they’ve forgotten. Maybe she’ll treat her parents better and less like characters she “created”. And, since she knows all the bad things that will happen it shouldn’t be hard to stop most of them.
I really like the art 😄
Oh this is interesting 😲