Using historical names is deeply cringe. Being a history buff is going to make this a painful read.
Historical fiction is one thing but making a romance between these two is just random and weird.
Also I just keep replaying that Blackadder episode in my head where Sir Drake bores everyone with his stories about having to drink his own urine because he ran out of water.
i suppose i can’t relate to the comments because i am a stupid american, but what’s the big deal about the names and the history? I know who Queen Elizabeth of England is but I just thought it was a girl with the same name just to be funny or something. I don’t understand the point of accuracy if it’s about pirates and what not.
Is the pirate and the queen based on real people and their real relationship? feel free to explain it to me, im too lazy to google it.
This is sooooooooo historically inaccurate. It’s so awkward when it’s loosely based on history. Couldn’t they have changed the names of people and places? Like maybe make her Elizabeth I of Insul or Arcana? I mean really!
Would’ve been so much better if they had taken a fictional setting and fictional people.
Obviously, they’re going to skim over the atrocities these individuals committed in reality, because being a slave trader doesn’t fit the prettyboy image they’re going for
I know it’s obvious, but- Drake be looking fiendishly hot ?
It must be the hair or the eyes or the manner. Or maybe it’s just everything about him. It’s only the first chapter yet I’m already ready to simp for this guy.
Using historical names is deeply cringe. Being a history buff is going to make this a painful read.
Historical fiction is one thing but making a romance between these two is just random and weird.
Also I just keep replaying that Blackadder episode in my head where Sir Drake bores everyone with his stories about having to drink his own urine because he ran out of water.
baby im not even hallucination
i suppose i can’t relate to the comments because i am a stupid american, but what’s the big deal about the names and the history? I know who Queen Elizabeth of England is but I just thought it was a girl with the same name just to be funny or something. I don’t understand the point of accuracy if it’s about pirates and what not.
Is the pirate and the queen based on real people and their real relationship? feel free to explain it to me, im too lazy to google it.
Ooh my favorite queen.. All Hail Elizabeth
Catherine Briar
This is sooooooooo historically inaccurate. It’s so awkward when it’s loosely based on history. Couldn’t they have changed the names of people and places? Like maybe make her Elizabeth I of Insul or Arcana? I mean really!
I really wish they changed the names even if it’s historical fiction??
Would’ve been so much better if they had taken a fictional setting and fictional people.
Obviously, they’re going to skim over the atrocities these individuals committed in reality, because being a slave trader doesn’t fit the prettyboy image they’re going for
I know it’s obvious, but- Drake be looking fiendishly hot ?
It must be the hair or the eyes or the manner. Or maybe it’s just everything about him. It’s only the first chapter yet I’m already ready to simp for this guy.
oh my g this look interesting