jegarcia o melhor para mim é a aranha a amaldiçoar o protagonista e ele nem quer sabe, ele só quer saber se o item é bom ou não September 22, 2022 at 9:59 pm Log in to Reply
yourgothbf69 I feel bad for the spider. All he wanted was a place to stay where he and his children could live safely in, without getting attacked by humans. June 25, 2022 at 10:32 pm Log in to Reply
New item~~~~
o melhor para mim é a aranha a amaldiçoar o protagonista e ele nem quer sabe, ele só quer saber se o item é bom ou não
I feel bad for the spider. All he wanted was a place to stay where he and his children could live safely in, without getting attacked by humans.