I’m loving the ex he is a shadow lord (trope). Before the 3 years timeskip author is already hinting what kind of person he is. He is the type of guy who wants to do tasks quick and very efficient without knowing the effects of his actions. Becoz this is a political marriage he didn’t think what the Queen will feel at the time.
This prof is a paparazzi who only make rude comments on what he sees on the icing. This is his first time experience on his article subject. But this guy is powerless. I already know his ending if he ever end up with her. Not a good route if you ask me, their children will suffer.
I think that the author is hinting that the ilver haired guy is goona be with her in the future; even if its a little, the person whom she trusts the most is him, and she’s the type of woman to make one decision and one decision only for her life, and she’s not one to let herself be controlled by others as well, either she dies or she marries him…i would do that the finale
I like you but why🙂 why are you🙂🙂🙂 THE DATE SOUNDS LIKE AN INTERVIEW FOR A NEWSPAPER!!?? 🙂
I’m loving the ex he is a shadow lord (trope). Before the 3 years timeskip author is already hinting what kind of person he is. He is the type of guy who wants to do tasks quick and very efficient without knowing the effects of his actions. Becoz this is a political marriage he didn’t think what the Queen will feel at the time.
This prof is a paparazzi who only make rude comments on what he sees on the icing. This is his first time experience on his article subject. But this guy is powerless. I already know his ending if he ever end up with her. Not a good route if you ask me, their children will suffer.
Author is already hinting what Queen needed most.
I think that the author is hinting that the ilver haired guy is goona be with her in the future; even if its a little, the person whom she trusts the most is him, and she’s the type of woman to make one decision and one decision only for her life, and she’s not one to let herself be controlled by others as well, either she dies or she marries him…i would do that the finale
So beautiful ?????