hohohohohohoho I wonder then who the real one is for her husband or now ex? oracle stuff always makes thing messy, they only tell in end that FL was real one & other bs…………… FL must’ve been traumatized with something this unexpected…………… mostly girl with real oracle would be highly likely a bitch………… I hope leads go all the way so I won’t have to wait 50+ chaps
I love it when the men swallow chunks of sand every time a woman takes the initiative… hehehehehe
his eyes though….. is he dragon? well it’s same as CP…… won’t be surprised if they are related………. maybe FLs companion would be him? idk…….
hohohohohohoho I wonder then who the real one is for her husband or now ex? oracle stuff always makes thing messy, they only tell in end that FL was real one & other bs…………… FL must’ve been traumatized with something this unexpected…………… mostly girl with real oracle would be highly likely a bitch………… I hope leads go all the way so I won’t have to wait 50+ chaps
You go girl! Imma steal this line for the next time I’m in her shoes.