dohwa was gonna her home because it was night, what a little gentleman ;; hope if we dohwa gets his happy ending too
su ae had 2 hearts now? are both from eunhyuk? is one from dohwa? did she even realize she has 2 hearts now or has she not checked?
su ae and eunhyuk need to dtr asap because what is this more than friends, less than lovers state theyre in right now
I used to go for eunhyeok and I rlly hope i still do— trusting my instincts, if i don’t I’ll have a major second lead syndrome
tbh eunhyeok is hot and really kind so i would go for him
I don’t care who ends up with who, I just want a happy ending for everyone 😭
dohwa was gonna her home because it was night, what a little gentleman ;; hope if we dohwa gets his happy ending too
su ae had 2 hearts now? are both from eunhyuk? is one from dohwa? did she even realize she has 2 hearts now or has she not checked?
su ae and eunhyuk need to dtr asap because what is this more than friends, less than lovers state theyre in right now