Wtf this is so frustrating, we all know the black hair one is the ml and then this heart amount thing happened which we don’t know what’s the reason and this is even more frustrating😫
Anyway, I like them both and can’t choose any of them🥲😂 so… Yeah I guess it’s the blondie’s turn🥲
Anddddd what’s even more and more frustrating is that he started to avoid her cus he thinks she doesn’t like his confession😫😫😭😭😭😭💔
EunHyuk is the guy at the poster so he prolly is the ML..
Hahaha I guess the author wants us to have a terrible 2nd male lead syndrome 🤣
I knew it DoHwa fits her better I think..
He was honest with her showed her his true personality, and their interactions are always nice and fun..
Idk dang it! Hahaha I guess I’ll go for DoHwa..
Wtf this is so frustrating, we all know the black hair one is the ml and then this heart amount thing happened which we don’t know what’s the reason and this is even more frustrating😫
Anyway, I like them both and can’t choose any of them🥲😂 so… Yeah I guess it’s the blondie’s turn🥲
Anddddd what’s even more and more frustrating is that he started to avoid her cus he thinks she doesn’t like his confession😫😫😭😭😭😭💔
yeah me to i feel that dohwa fits her better but still i want eunhyeuk to like her 😭😭😭😭😭😭
EunHyuk is the guy at the poster so he prolly is the ML..
Hahaha I guess the author wants us to have a terrible 2nd male lead syndrome 🤣
I knew it DoHwa fits her better I think..
He was honest with her showed her his true personality, and their interactions are always nice and fun..
Idk dang it! Hahaha I guess I’ll go for DoHwa..
Dohwa for life bruh
what a let down! 🥲 i was shipping him with her and this is what happen! should i switch to the blondie?
I waited all week and this is what I get I have so many emotions right now it’s crazy 😔😭
Are you kidding me ?