Seriously if there’s gonna be “Oh he got in an accident that’s why he doesnt remmwber her anymore” kinda arc i swear im gonna lose it. And neither I want go eunhyuk to go from a green flag to a red flag but the way the author ruined his character there’s no hope. He came back and instead of meeting her first he choose to go on a blind date. He can smile with another girl but look at su ae with that cold glare? Like the audacity! I’m team dohwa now! They would look much better and like a healthy couple. Eunhyuk fucked up pretty badly.
Loved him and he’s grown up gorgeous of course, but he blew his chance. Idk if there’s really any possible excuse he could give for not reaching out over the past ten years that would make what he did forgiveable enough for her to take him back. Maybe if he’s been locked up the past ten years with no way to reach her? Honestly I’m hoping for a true beauty twist at this point. Go with Blondie i always loved him anyways. His love always felt a smidgen more sincere to me. I’m loving seeing everyone as an adult and with their own styles now though. Everyone is so cute!!!!
Boooo Eun Hyuk, you were my green flag, I fought for you, fck you. Leave my girl alone. Is this just gonna turn into True Beauty all over again?😭pls no
Seriously feel she should stop thinking about Eunhyuk anymore.. and let her stick on to another male lead that would be rather be peaceful than getting hurt everytime
Seriously Eunhyuk you are coming now? After ghosting her, after 10 years.?? Are things gonna repeat? Ughh i might as well drop this if they are gonna repeat Eunhyuk and Dohwa drama
Nah bitch seriously ? What .The. Actual. Fuck is going on??!!
I am too romantic please help me
no, just no , there was a time where I wanted them to be together but now, JUST TAKE DOWHA AT THAT POINT
after 10 years without a word
I don’t want him back with suae
dohwa is the man for her
i meant hurt 😭
u better not hury dohwa again bro…
Go Eun hyeok you bastard
wait why is he so hot oma , i still wanna beat his ass tho
honestly its dowa or su ae just being singl
Seriously if there’s gonna be “Oh he got in an accident that’s why he doesnt remmwber her anymore” kinda arc i swear im gonna lose it. And neither I want go eunhyuk to go from a green flag to a red flag but the way the author ruined his character there’s no hope. He came back and instead of meeting her first he choose to go on a blind date. He can smile with another girl but look at su ae with that cold glare? Like the audacity! I’m team dohwa now! They would look much better and like a healthy couple. Eunhyuk fucked up pretty badly.
Su Ae, run away with me, none of these mortal men deserve you my angel😩
Ik it’ll never happen but I’m team dohwa forever or team fuck both yall Su ae forever 💀💀
Loved him and he’s grown up gorgeous of course, but he blew his chance. Idk if there’s really any possible excuse he could give for not reaching out over the past ten years that would make what he did forgiveable enough for her to take him back. Maybe if he’s been locked up the past ten years with no way to reach her? Honestly I’m hoping for a true beauty twist at this point. Go with Blondie i always loved him anyways. His love always felt a smidgen more sincere to me. I’m loving seeing everyone as an adult and with their own styles now though. Everyone is so cute!!!!
Boooo Eun Hyuk, you were my green flag, I fought for you, fck you. Leave my girl alone. Is this just gonna turn into True Beauty all over again?😭pls no
Sorry I don’t forgive him
Don’t go back to him
Seriously feel she should stop thinking about Eunhyuk anymore.. and let her stick on to another male lead that would be rather be peaceful than getting hurt everytime
What a jerk, after all he’s done to Su Ae?? Are you kidding me😡
What a jerk, please make someone else ml or just stick her to second male lead
Hate people like trashy bitch
How can u stare at her after all this pain she suffered be cause of you mf I’ll pluck You’re pretty eyes 😡😡
Seriously Eunhyuk you are coming now? After ghosting her, after 10 years.?? Are things gonna repeat? Ughh i might as well drop this if they are gonna repeat Eunhyuk and Dohwa drama