“I won’t know when you blurt it out when I’m not looking” / “So you must be kept under my watch”
Who tf is she supposed to blurt it out to in the middle of the night in your private dormitory??? Rather, you should find a way to stick by her during school hours.
@likesowhat ikr fr
It’s always so hilarious how plot try to explain why MC and ML MUST LIVE TOGETHER LOL
Like so what
bruh he looks like a pedo when he does that
@fakestephanie my god frrr 😵💫
this is so funny hahah lol plus the saint is hot to……
Princess Duck
Besides….who will believe a commoner. And she doesn’t even have friend to share with lol
“I won’t know when you blurt it out when I’m not looking” / “So you must be kept under my watch”
Who tf is she supposed to blurt it out to in the middle of the night in your private dormitory??? Rather, you should find a way to stick by her during school hours.