My bais opinion, but I loved the second prince even if he did kill the MC’s mom, if she knew the story she would have prevented all of this if she decided she wanted to help the 2nd prince escape from his mother. I would like to say that I hate the MC right now and I don’t sympathize with her for how she is punishing someone who was being manipulated from such a young age. It’s like if you try to beat a dog because it was abused by its owner, and was forced to attack while not wanting to. It’s like how everyone is scared of pit bulls because we give them a bad rep. Tho yes they are aggressive it doesn’t mean that it was their innate nature just like the 2nd prince. But again this is my bais but I still hate the princess for it as she didn’t even try to change his fate when she knew weeks prior to this incident. Yet she blames her own incompetence on others.
My bais opinion, but I loved the second prince even if he did kill the MC’s mom, if she knew the story she would have prevented all of this if she decided she wanted to help the 2nd prince escape from his mother. I would like to say that I hate the MC right now and I don’t sympathize with her for how she is punishing someone who was being manipulated from such a young age. It’s like if you try to beat a dog because it was abused by its owner, and was forced to attack while not wanting to. It’s like how everyone is scared of pit bulls because we give them a bad rep. Tho yes they are aggressive it doesn’t mean that it was their innate nature just like the 2nd prince. But again this is my bais but I still hate the princess for it as she didn’t even try to change his fate when she knew weeks prior to this incident. Yet she blames her own incompetence on others.
oh naw girl, stop underestimating yourself! The only one allowed to treat themselves like worthles trash is me!
Daniel and MC are parallels, loyal to their moms since it’s the only thing they have, but the problem is they have completely different moms 😭
Like so what
*John Cena Appears* Are you sure about that?