I wish they little brother was still alive not only does he look cute he also looks kind why did he have to die?? he was also the nut that tied shu and his half brother together he was the jelly and they were the bread when one of them is missing its not complete (I think)
I wish they little brother was still alive not only does he look cute he also looks kind why did he have to die?? he was also the nut that tied shu and his half brother together he was the jelly and they were the bread when one of them is missing its not complete (I think)
The little brother was so precious, why’d you have to let him die author? Whyyyyyyy????
Shiii ,so dmn short ?
Please no more flashbacks abt the little brother. More of this and I dont think my heart can take the fact that this little boy isnt alive anymore.
Why he died now I am suffering for a character that died BEFORE the beginning WHY?! ????
Aaaaaa?? I want more update if possible, like you know a mega update. Cause this is so fun to read
Who the hell is cutting onion!!!
Aditi Khedar
Aww so sad ?