TypicallyUsual Leo might be misunderstanding something. Dramatic irony is common in stories. October 22, 2022 at 8:58 am Log in to Reply
Monofelia I don’t get it. It’s the crime of his father so why does Leo hate Shuden? July 20, 2022 at 1:00 pm Log in to Reply
flora_fabre The god is taken an leave of absence and handing it over to the devil, we are dancing with the devil, the dance is a tango, the name of the music is devils tango ~ have fun, my little devils, for we are just staring~ January 28, 2022 at 5:25 am Log in to Reply
Shuyaaa I love this couple, so much Kyaaa~ they just so cute November 18, 2021 at 6:40 am Log in to Reply
The Servant
Waaaah I can’t take it anymore
Leo might be misunderstanding something. Dramatic irony is common in stories.
I don’t get it. It’s the crime of his father so why does Leo hate Shuden?
The god is taken an leave of absence and handing it over to the devil, we are dancing with the devil, the dance is a tango, the name of the music is devils tango ~ have fun, my little devils, for we are just staring~
uhm its getting dark 🙁
Thank you so much. Harimanga
I love this couple, so much
Kyaaa~ they just so cute
no one
Thanks for all the updates! See you next week~
such a sweet husband you are sir!