Dude he did nothing to help her while she was suffering and he wasn’t abused or neglected in any way. He WANTED to keep his secret. He wasn’t forced into anything. We’ve seen his father and brother one time and they both seemed kind.
This is nature vs nurture. He was nurtured into a smart second prince to help his brother. It’s his nature to be obsessive and rude.
Your romanticizing a maniac. He literally hoped she would get hurt and come to him for help. He’s manipulative and crazy.
As I thought, she was his ONLY LIGHT in the pitch black darkness of his life.
Gosh..those nasty kings..
And as he narrated to himself, he HAS TAKEN ACTION MANY TIMES but to no avail.
Even in the chapter when he got the news about her going to the north, it showed how invested he has always been in her.
Even the aide knew enoigh about his feelings to be hesitant to pass him the news.
He has always received reports about her condition.
Him talking about her to himself shows how much involved he is.
He knew she used to be crying most of the times meaning he has always been on watch.
Its a comic not a novel and most details are omitted. So there is no way for us to know what exactly has he done to save her up until now.
Even though he was restricted by his royal family, as he said it himself, he has taken all the peaceful countermeasures already. But nothing has ever gone his way and no plan has ever been successful so far.
Poor guy….its really unfair.
This is legit heartbreaking man!
You idiots took everything from this child, and he put all his trust and comfort on that little girl.
You told him not to want anything. To live quietly, to stay put and keep silent about his ‘secret’!
And instead of all the love and joy you forbid for him, he had Elise.
And you went and told him she, as well, was not his to begin with?!
@DreamofFire Think logically. Dont let emotions cloud your judgement.
This is a historical setting, and they are all ROYALITY not even a simple noble.
Dont go compare him to a modern youth with no restrictions what so ever!
He was in no position to take any action! He wasnt even old enough to do so at the time.
He was restricted and restrained not just because he was a noble, even worse he was a royal!
To make everything worse he was even more restrained than his own brother due to whatever talent or super-power he possesses.
He was practically a cage bird.
He was never even allowed to want anything for himself.
It isn’t something we people could even imagine.
And all he ever cared about and had put all his hopes in was this little girl.
No wonder he turns into a villain.
Anyone would when they loose ALL HOPE!
Those horrible kings are to blame here,
They only used these innocent children as their own chess-pieces.
It wouldn’t be unfair if he brings both his and the central kingdoms to ruin, They brought it upon themselves.
I just wish for his own survival. Its deeply sad…
That a$shat sat by and did nothing as Elise suffered in that room, and now that she’s happy and out of that miserable place he’s going to throw a tantrum??? If he was that in love with her and really cared about how she felt then he would have helped her sooner. ?
Why that rabbit acts as if it’s Elise’s mother lol ?. Well, virgin men like Kayle are sometimes funny but annoying. One simple touch and they’ll look so flustered, it’s kinda irritating lol
Dude he did nothing to help her while she was suffering and he wasn’t abused or neglected in any way. He WANTED to keep his secret. He wasn’t forced into anything. We’ve seen his father and brother one time and they both seemed kind.
This is nature vs nurture. He was nurtured into a smart second prince to help his brother. It’s his nature to be obsessive and rude.
Your romanticizing a maniac. He literally hoped she would get hurt and come to him for help. He’s manipulative and crazy.
Did yall actually type that much :O *gasp*
As I thought, she was his ONLY LIGHT in the pitch black darkness of his life.
Gosh..those nasty kings..
And as he narrated to himself, he HAS TAKEN ACTION MANY TIMES but to no avail.
Even in the chapter when he got the news about her going to the north, it showed how invested he has always been in her.
Even the aide knew enoigh about his feelings to be hesitant to pass him the news.
He has always received reports about her condition.
Him talking about her to himself shows how much involved he is.
He knew she used to be crying most of the times meaning he has always been on watch.
Its a comic not a novel and most details are omitted. So there is no way for us to know what exactly has he done to save her up until now.
Even though he was restricted by his royal family, as he said it himself, he has taken all the peaceful countermeasures already. But nothing has ever gone his way and no plan has ever been successful so far.
Poor guy….its really unfair.
This is legit heartbreaking man!
You idiots took everything from this child, and he put all his trust and comfort on that little girl.
You told him not to want anything. To live quietly, to stay put and keep silent about his ‘secret’!
And instead of all the love and joy you forbid for him, he had Elise.
And you went and told him she, as well, was not his to begin with?!
@DreamofFire Think logically. Dont let emotions cloud your judgement.
This is a historical setting, and they are all ROYALITY not even a simple noble.
Dont go compare him to a modern youth with no restrictions what so ever!
He was in no position to take any action! He wasnt even old enough to do so at the time.
He was restricted and restrained not just because he was a noble, even worse he was a royal!
To make everything worse he was even more restrained than his own brother due to whatever talent or super-power he possesses.
He was practically a cage bird.
He was never even allowed to want anything for himself.
It isn’t something we people could even imagine.
And all he ever cared about and had put all his hopes in was this little girl.
No wonder he turns into a villain.
Anyone would when they loose ALL HOPE!
Those horrible kings are to blame here,
They only used these innocent children as their own chess-pieces.
It wouldn’t be unfair if he brings both his and the central kingdoms to ruin, They brought it upon themselves.
I just wish for his own survival. Its deeply sad…
Lol chaperone bunny
Sentient Rabbit is such a Gooseberry
That a$shat sat by and did nothing as Elise suffered in that room, and now that she’s happy and out of that miserable place he’s going to throw a tantrum??? If he was that in love with her and really cared about how she felt then he would have helped her sooner. ?
Why that rabbit acts as if it’s Elise’s mother lol ?. Well, virgin men like Kayle are sometimes funny but annoying. One simple touch and they’ll look so flustered, it’s kinda irritating lol
Nyahhaha ML and Mr. Rabbit banter is too cute nyahaha