Oh my precious Ray ❤️😭
Did Louis regain all her memories?
Isabella had told Elina that
there IS a way for his memories to come back, and even a way to break the curse!!!
But, did she help him with his memories then? The curse is obviously there since he coulld have aged another 10 years more from when he was an adult.
There is no clue!
Why is this story so vague sometimes?
I sure wish they had gone with it…
To break the curse when Isabella had found a way..
So that…maybe…and just maybe, Ray could have survived by their help back then. 💔😭
Ah no Ray TTT_TTT
I still can’t get over how sad his story and sacrifice was.
They’re so pitiful these two, but Ray is just purely heart-breaking.
And after all this, the next episode will be the last one!!
It’s wrapping up while we’re still in tears for Ray and his kind and lonely heart, and his unfair and heart-wrenching sacrifice.
Hey, couldn’t you make it a little easier on our hearts author!?
The ending is too abrupt,
we need time to get over this heavy sadness in our hearts.
I really wished Louey could have gain enough power to take revenge.
I wish our princess could have a happier life, she just had tough time from the start.
I wished Ray wouldn’t have to get sacrificed like that and they could have lived together happily even in this life.
Maybe if this tupid witch hadn’t curse Louey in the first place, there would have been a chance to rescue Ray and make amends to many other incidents.
Although they are made to be happy after all that, still, as readers we wish many things would have turned out differently.
It was hard for our princess from day one, really wish she had more power to make bigger changes right from the start.
Well it’s sad…really.
There doesn’t seem to be any side stories or sequels for this story either T_T, but I sure wanted to see more of their lives and their futures..
~* SAD TT_TT~*
Fish this story turned upside down from the middle!
It started as a super-kawaii story and art but eventually turned into such a heart-wrenching tragedy, though it’s more in the backstory
I feel terrible for Ray now, and even Louey and their mother.
Even the princess!
This manhwa/story just suddenly turned deeply sorrowful which was totally unexpected at first.
Oh my precious Ray ❤️😭
Did Louis regain all her memories?
Isabella had told Elina that
there IS a way for his memories to come back, and even a way to break the curse!!!
But, did she help him with his memories then? The curse is obviously there since he coulld have aged another 10 years more from when he was an adult.
There is no clue!
Why is this story so vague sometimes?
I sure wish they had gone with it…
To break the curse when Isabella had found a way..
So that…maybe…and just maybe, Ray could have survived by their help back then. 💔😭
Ah no Ray TTT_TTT
I still can’t get over how sad his story and sacrifice was.
They’re so pitiful these two, but Ray is just purely heart-breaking.
And after all this, the next episode will be the last one!!
It’s wrapping up while we’re still in tears for Ray and his kind and lonely heart, and his unfair and heart-wrenching sacrifice.
Hey, couldn’t you make it a little easier on our hearts author!?
The ending is too abrupt,
we need time to get over this heavy sadness in our hearts.
I really wished Louey could have gain enough power to take revenge.
I wish our princess could have a happier life, she just had tough time from the start.
I wished Ray wouldn’t have to get sacrificed like that and they could have lived together happily even in this life.
Maybe if this tupid witch hadn’t curse Louey in the first place, there would have been a chance to rescue Ray and make amends to many other incidents.
Although they are made to be happy after all that, still, as readers we wish many things would have turned out differently.
It was hard for our princess from day one, really wish she had more power to make bigger changes right from the start.
Well it’s sad…really.
There doesn’t seem to be any side stories or sequels for this story either T_T, but I sure wanted to see more of their lives and their futures..
~* SAD TT_TT~*
Fish this story turned upside down from the middle!
It started as a super-kawaii story and art but eventually turned into such a heart-wrenching tragedy, though it’s more in the backstory
I feel terrible for Ray now, and even Louey and their mother.
Even the princess!
This manhwa/story just suddenly turned deeply sorrowful which was totally unexpected at first.