Positively Yours - Chapter 62
You don't have anything in histories
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Secretary Lee 😭😭
Let’s be honest. If he dad wasnt old, we wouldn’t feel sorry for him. If some one had done to his daughter what his daughter did to them, he would no doubt spare no feelings. I have no mercy for people like that who cling on to their version of the world and refuse to accept that what’s done is done and you must face the consequences for your actions. The only good move was to let his daughter be punished and see that she can’t get away with doing what she likes, and he missed it. So no. He doesn’t deserve to get away with it.
I still am confused as to why they are so excited about the Balkans.
I am in your closet UwU
I generally feel bad for the dad of the mental hospital girl he tried to raise her by giving her what she wanted so then she’d always be happy but in the end she turned into a bitch
Aya mae
Yay? so sweet ?