Positively Yours - Chapter 47
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@I am in your closet UwU are u writing an essay or…
@oldmangalady2021 do you mean Ms. Choi right? not Ms. Jang.. Ms Jang’s personality is good though she just thinks that what happens to her might happen to her child that’s probably why she doesn’t open up to Doo-Joon before (like her dad was forced to marry her mum because she was pregnant and love didn’t bloom for them). Also, she is one of those people that are very independent that’s probably because she felt that her mum and even her dad does not pay attention to her so her survival instinct kicks in as she need to do it herself or she needs to just handle it herself not to ask anybody for help. In the future, she will eventually change once she gets all the warm love she deserves and realise that she got people now that she can lean on to,
Luv the paragraph 💗
Doo-Joon is so wonderful but Jang is so terrible and insecure. She needs to get an attitude adjustment, she is irritating me!!
I am in your closet UwU
You can’t just tell a person with tramua and extremely low self-esteem “stop being so insecure” that’s not how it works when I had depression I one time told someone that I felt a bit unhappy I didn’t bring it up like “WAAA IM SUCH A DEPRESSED KID WAAAA I HAVE SUCH A HARD LIFE I DIDNT GET THE CHIPS I WANTED AT THE SUPERMARKET” I just said “I’m feeling a bit sad” what she said was “lol no your not” I know it seems fucking harmless but do you know how long ago that was basically a year ago and whenever I feel sad I always think “I’m not actually sad I just want attention” because that how I took it (I didn’t get the I want attention from that sentence she told me I got that off another”harmless thing someone said) she told me to stop being sad idk what people expect whether it’s just an “OMG I SUDDENLY AM NO LONGER LIKE THIS IM NOW SOOOO HAPPY BECAUSE ONE PERSON WHO IS UNEXPERIENCED IN MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES JUST SAID IM NOT SAD”no your just gonna make things worse which she made things much worse for me the way your comment and the girl who told me I wasn’t sad are related is because your telling the FL that her suffering major low self-esteem and potentially tramua is irritating and needs an attitude adjustment if you ever told someone this in real life you would hold a great power of forcing themselves to feel worse then believing they are a irritation to society although they may start acting suddenly like you said they will feel worse much worse which is why I have a problem with your comment I understand that you may not relate to having tramua but even if you haven’t please understand you should never say this maybe if the FL was a bratty bitch than yes but she’s not she’s someone who happened not to experience the good side of life in her childhood and some of her adult hood as well ik it’s a manga and I shouldn’t be getting worked up but people like you who think that just because you haven’t had major tramua that made you get serious mental health issues or stuck with you doesn’t mean everyone is like you and if you cannot understand a manga where it puts you in mc shoes where it shows you what is going on and what happened then I really think you are uneducated about some of the troubles people face I can tell you there are more people like you then there are that understand and let me say when I was suffering shit they made it so much worse and their still stuck with me I remember a simply joke that was quite harsh that happened 4 years ago which is also why I’m leaving this long arse reply you people are the reason people that suffer even more if you can’t understand shut year trap it really annoys me ik I usually say this is my opinion and you dont have to agree but in this one if you don’t agree I’m going to consider you one of these people that I hate because if you can’t agree of me simplifying my opinion to the point a five year old would probably be able to understand me then please do not protest with me I will stick with my opinion and I hope you agree with me on this because I think it’s important you never say this to someone in real life and I really hate people who are too thick skinned to notice what others are suffering idc if you go “WELL THEY ACT FINE” then you have said or done something to make them feel like they can’t open up too you
I apologize for being so harsh its just I got a bit annoyed anyways have a great day and stay safe ?
Wow that is a lot of writing