kashugi911 okay but shout out to blondie boy who read the signs and made a safe escape route okurr love an actually feminist ally November 1, 2022 at 3:17 pm Log in to Reply
1365244Gio If y’all are worried that she’ll faint, y’all should’ve given her a break duh September 6, 2022 at 3:19 am Log in to Reply
BingeReader The whole “I can’t trust anyone and I won’t trust anyone” agenda better die quick coz our FL isn’t smart enough to handle her revenge on her own. She lacks the education and connections to do go thru with her revenge. September 5, 2022 at 4:16 pm Log in to Reply
iimcastro Why is the translation so fucking trash you can literally see how bad it is bruh September 5, 2022 at 2:25 pm Log in to Reply
enig121598 Joachim!!! I’m so glad he was able to quickly grasp the situation at the count’s house and help Robelia! September 5, 2022 at 1:52 am Log in to Reply
Tokioki partnership is better than sponsorship in business? September 5, 2022 at 12:28 am Log in to Reply
am talking to bingereader
shut up your not smart enough
okay but shout out to blondie boy who read the signs and made a safe escape route okurr love an actually feminist ally
If y’all are worried that she’ll faint, y’all should’ve given her a break duh
The whole “I can’t trust anyone and I won’t trust anyone” agenda better die quick coz our FL isn’t smart enough to handle her revenge on her own. She lacks the education and connections to do go thru with her revenge.
Why is the translation so fucking trash
you can literally see how bad it is
Joachim!!! I’m so glad he was able to quickly grasp the situation at the count’s house and help Robelia!
Let’s get married,is the next sentence
partnership is better than sponsorship in business?