Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 9
You don't have anything in histories
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baby im not even hallucination
@Rococochoco FR it’s called a plot hole but we’re apparently supposed to ignore that and go with anything the author throws at us no matter how nonsensical it is
baby im not even hallucination
sad boi
gahd this is frustrating lol
Neways didn’t he already see her ???
He not gonna come back for that ? Or like investigate about her ?
Don’t you actually READ the text??!
Have you still not got it already!?
He was desperately struggling to find a cure for her illness!!!!!
Why do you still blame him for the crime he did not commit!?
His desperation made him miss a few important points, but HE IS NOT A SINNER!!!
So don’t go curse him left and right.
Stay rational, think everything through.
Even considering his negligence, it is TOO MUCH of an atonement for his mistakes.
He is suffering way too much.
And so are all his subjects and people.
What a tragedy.
Please tell us it won’t end like this author!!
@Rococochoco Exactly! I’m wondering as well!!
Either the author did not elaborate enough, or the manhwa team did not go into further details.
Hence, the result is less than appealing since it’s not quite convincing.
Then please die do all us a favor😒
That’s funny because she’s the one dying😭. No really, they were together all this time and she erased everyone’s memories but what about portraits of them? Even her room when show someone lived there. They’ve been together since they were kids and there is no physicals proof anywhere? Not even her parent have pictures of her wondering who this kid is? or at least there wedding should have been commemorated and documented. And she only erased the memory of those in the castle wouldn’t everyone else outside the castle still know about the empress?
Nanny Adam
Well he deserve it