Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 8
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There you go!
My assumption was right!
It’s been long since she’s with this disease, and Samuel knew about it.
He was looking for that particular book to find a cure for her!
He was against having a child for this very reason.
The doctor said giving birth has worsened her illness, so was what Samuel trying to prevent!!!
What the doctor said perfectly aligned with Samuel’s desperate struggle!
All he was doing was to find a way to cure her!!
He was too desperate that he missed the point.
She was misunderstanding him, and he needed to take of her feelings as well.
His desperation got the better of him, and lead to this disaster!!!!
Ugh…how annoying.
It’s a ‘sweet-potato genre’ for sure.
So frustrating.
I re~ally hope the genre isn’t a tragedy which I detest the most.
Any one with any spoilers guys!?
Please be kind enough like our besties in the Bastian forum who informed us about the tragedy which was about to unfold and the toxic relationship trope.
Please inform us before hand if we’re going to see something similar here.
My heart can’t take such turn of events anymore!! 😣
Does this have a tragedy tag?
Would be really sad if there’s 50+ chapters on fighting what ever the emperor is trying to stop and in between the parents are piecing their memories back together and falling in love again right before she dies
The baby~~so cute