Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 7
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well she did ask him why she couldnt go out and shit, he just decided not to tell her for some reason
baby im not even hallucination
so in the end this is just another story whose plot could have been solved if they just spoke to each other instead of acting like children?….i think I’m going to drop this once I finish the remaining chapters. Not hate to the author, I’m sure other people love this story, it’s just not for me.
I even dropped “The Mistress Ran Away” out of anger so I can’t see myself finishing this.
boi we dont fucking care
Guys, take your time and think!
Vivian erased all memories related to HER!
NOT every single memory in that guy’s memory box!
Just now, when he was recalling WHY he was after ‘the book of the mage’ Samuel and his aide both forgot completely!
Which means, the reason he was after that book and so meeting that Natalia woman was ALL FOR VIVIAN!!!
What I he KNEW ABOUT HER ILLNESS prior to it’s symptoms surfacing?!
She said it’s an illness only magician might contract on rare occasions!!
Samuel is a magician, too!
And a very powerful one at that.
So it is very plausible that he might have come to know about it somehow.
That’s why he was so over-protective and obsessed with her well-being.
Again, I guess it’s ‘a-little-misunderstanding-turn-into-a-disaster’ trope.
Samuel mist have had his justified reasons for not wanting to disclose his intentions to Vivian, probably not to frighten or sadden her.
And Vivian was a maiden in love, so innocent and simple she only cared about love and their relationship.
Another case of miscommunication here.
I sure hope she doesn’t die, and the Iluninia guy’s prophecy doesn’t come true.
I mean, this memory-loss trope is already suffocating!!!
Imagine the story end in tragedy!!
I’ll curse the author ‘a Hugwarth’s way’.
I swear why don’t you call your b*tch Natalia😒
there’s no way she’s really going to die OI aren’t so tragic and angsty. 😂
He is still a bitch in my eye 🗿