Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 6
You don't have anything in histories
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@eros.v That makes sense and they did say they were kidnapping children
Its cute how her daughter looks like cotton candy
Oh! I think I got a rough idea of what’s happening.
The emperor might have been investigating about this prophecy, and it’s somehow connected to him and the empress/queen. It could be that their offspring will be powerful that’s why when Vivian asked if he wants to have a child, he reacted aggressively because he knows they’ll be targeted by those cult. He knows they won’t be safe for long and that’s why he also prohibited Vivian to leave the palace. To “protect” her. Honestly, he’s just caging her fr.
He might be meeting that Natalia for the sole reason of uncovering the prophecy and not actually finding another woman.
Nevertheless, it’s selfish of him not to include Vivian in knowing about all this. He might think that he’s protecting her but he’s just caging from knowing everything. And look what it resulted to.